Scuba Diving- World beyond imagination

We breathe, eat, sleep and practically live ‘travel’! So it really is no surprise that travel is our chosen form of relaxation, even when we are not working! As an avid adventure-seeker, with a love for the waters, it was inevitable to resist diving. I have always loved diving. I’m never happier than when I’m descending into the deep, encased in varying thicknesses of neoprene with plastic paddles attached to my feet and a mask that makes the remaining space on my face look like I have a ducks mouth. It’s the weightlessness, the beauty, the unknown and the silence that hypnotizes many a person into this wonderful sport. Go on, try it, you’ll never look back.

Its cheap in Tarkarli, Maharashtra, India, the young buds and working people crowd of pune and mumbai can easily got here on weekend.suba
The shoulder season is, to some extent, the most dramatic. The kelp forests along the shores start to rot, making them stand, disheveled, like the trees of a ghostly forest from a storybook. As they decompose, they release a milky white substance into the surrounding water, which hovers like mist.
I’m diving with a couple of new divers tonight, and I can hear them suck in air quickly as the cold water seeps through their wetsuits and onto their skin. Their suits are plenty thick, but the first rush of water does feel chilling. I’m wearing a drysuit, with a few layers of undergarments. I don’t like being cold, which seems a contradictory admission as I talk about the pleasure of cold-water diving.
We head in. The visibility is fair, hampered a bit by the milky white fog, but great along the bottom. We don’t go very deep, to stay above the thermocline. The really big fish — cod, salmon, bass — haven’t come this close to shore yet. They’ll appear as the water cools down, but for now there’s plenty to see, such as hefty soft-shell crabs and loads of starfish.
As we turn around and head towards shore, the light has faded a lot. Dusk comes earlier in water than on the surface, and we’re right on the verge of needing dive torches. I make a mental note to bring one next time I head out.
As we exit the water we get to the really cold part: getting out of our suits. My drysuit really shows its worth here, as I can just peel it off and add a few extra layers to keep warm. But the other divers have to strip down to their swimwear before they can put on warmer clothes. I break out the coffee and tea to help people warm up. People gather around the tailgate of one of the dive trucks, hugging mugs of coffee as they talk about the dive. By the time we head home, dusk has turned to full-on darkness. The winter dive season is upon us for sure.

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